New discoveries from our colleagues at the Pompeii archaeological park have been making headlines world-wide. The stunning array of gems and tiny objects excavated from Regio V, House of the Garden have offered us a new glimpse into the way in which women could collect jewellery and amulets for personal ornamentation and to protect oneself from bad luck. The variety of materials, from amber to bone and faience hint at the vast trade networks that the Roman world had opened up to Pompeiian citizens. Conservation work and scientific analysis continue on the rest of the finds from the house including DNA analysis on the ten victims uncovered by the excavations., under the direction of General Director Massimo Osanna. MEDIA ROUND UPWe've gathered together just some of the media coverage of this new and exciting find.
AuthorSArchaeologists, historians, forensic scientists and uni students all contribute their expertise to the blog. Find out more about our team here. blog subjects
March 2024
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